Saturday, November 29, 2014

Kanoa lost his first tooth (naturally) on 11/28/2014

I thought it would be sentimental to video a little about Kanoa losing his first tooth and how he felt. However he wanted me to tell the story.  But I wasn't there when it popped out and fell on the carpet and couldn't remember all the details he explained. So I asked him to tell his story of losing his first tooth.  He told me, "It's not a story.  It's real!"  He didn't explain how it fell out on video, but I loved how cute he was saying "It's real!"  (video will appear when uploaded)

Makana and Azure selling warm tea on a cold winter day!

Makana and Azure wanted to set up a lemonade stand yesterday, but it was so cold that they thought warm tea would sell better.  They realized that there was not much traffic on our road, so asked if they could move to the stop sign two houses away. I said okay.  After about fifteen minutes, I asked Li to watch Kanoa so I could go buy some tea from the girls and check on them. They weren't there.  I was nervous about where they could be and go in the car to drive to look for them. They were on the next street going door to door with their tea, selling for fifty cents a cup at first, then increasing the price to 1.00 per cup. They were excited to make $3.20 each as some people gave a little extra.  What teamwork!  

I'm glad they had a great time, though I did tell them it is important to tell me before they go door to door next time!  And if there is a next time I'd give Makana a cell phone and reminded them that although I do know most of our neighbors, it still is a good idea not to go in anyone's home in case they are invited or call me to ask me first, before doing so.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Misc pictures from the family camera - October and November 2014

Keely, Nya and Wolfgang hanging out. 10/25/2014

Homeschool Group Halloween Party 10/31/2014 at Appleton Library

Beautiful fall colors in the grass on the way home.  Appleton, Maine 10/31/2014

Walk through the Woods hosted by the Waldorf School.  10/31/2014 at MerrySpring Nature Center, Camden, Maine

11/3/2014 - Makana standing out in the back yard.  Big Snow so early in the season!!  This was the first time Nya ever saw snow...and wow..she got to see a lot and a power outage that lasted from Sunday through Wednesday night! 

I like this shopping bag. :)

Well.....I did clean out the fridge after a few days of not having power.  I'm writing this on 11/26 and the fridge still isn't back to being full as I got rid of a lot of things we never used.  Hey..more space for cool air to circulate!  :)  Plus it is easier to find things!

I know you can't see them, because I can't in this photo either!  But one day we were getting ready to head out and Makana saw two deer in the backyard!  One in our back yard by the garden and the other just a wee bit in the woods. Makana, Li, Kanoa and I kept watching them for a long time.  I swear they could hear us though and were very cautious.  Finally they did run away showing their white tails.  11/18/2014

Notes re: possible meeting places for Homeschool Gym for Jan/Feb 2015

Various gyms to consider in the area:

Point Lookout - Was going to charge us $60/2 hours, but then changed their mind.  They won't be renting out the gym space at this time.

Pitch - $5/pp or 50 for 1 1/2 hours or $35 for a 10 punch card

Thompson Center, Union, Maine (I didn't take photos...but she showed me a large room on the right side when you first come in.)  Laurie was the contact person there.

Dave's World, Rt 220, Liberty, ME 589-4780 - $50/2 hours 50 x 100 space, has tables, chairs, floor space to run, floor is made of concrete, has bathrooms and heat.

Baptist Church, 29 Chestnut Street, Camden, ME (see pics below) 236-2195

Lincoln Street Center gym, Rockland (see pics below)

Belfast YMCA - Contact Karen: 338-4598, 1 hour $40 for 1/2 gym is the normal rate, but she will give us the whole gym for $60 or half the gym for $30 (If we do the half gym, if no one is there, we could use the whole gym.  But if someone comes in, go back to half the gym while they shoot hoops or otherwise use the space.).  Thursdays are not good.  Friday's from 11:45 - 1:45 are good though.  In the future, if we ever wanted to rent the "Community Room" it is 25/hour.  The therapy pool is 75/hour.  Stephanie is the aquatics person and we could check with her to see if it would be okay if anyone wanted to swim laps.

Pen Bay YMCA - Contact Paula Williamson at 236-3375 - Just found out that they WILL match the Point Lookout price! Great!!  Now to figure four dates/times and send an email to see if we can still get 12 families for twenty dollars for those four dates (comes out to five dollars per family per date).

The upstairs gym at the Baptist Church on Chestnut Street, Camden, ME

Pictures from the gym at the Lincoln Street Center in Rockland, ME.
Contact: Keith Mackenzie
24 Lincoln Street