Praxis II exam in Orono
On July 26th, I got up extremely early (3:30am ish - couldn't fall back to sleep). Left at 5:30amish (I think - remember, I am writing this on Nov 2nd as I am playing catch up) for Orono to take a Praxis II test for my Maine teacher's certification. It was SO foggy out! I passed the test fine and managed to do very well on all parts (esp math and science). I had run out of time and didn't get to finish social studies and ended up marking mostly one letter right down the answer sheet just to mark something and have a chance at getting it right. Glad I was able to answer the other sections of the test so well as social studies is not an area where I feel as competent as I do in other areas. Now I just need finger printing done and I should be able to get my teacher's certificate for N-8th grade and do my own homeschool evaluations for our family and other families.
Thanks for sharing your experience about praxis exams. Yes this exam is very important and the best way to become the successful tutor in any subject of your interest.