5/30/2010 - Jim gave me this hibiscus plant sometime after Makana was born. It grew well for a long time and then didn't bloom anymore. This is the first bloom in two years!
5/30 - Love to look at dragonflies! Glad to see them again!!
Our sleepy boy.... Jim wanted a photo of Kanoa in this Tshirt as we both went to Rutgers.
5/30/2010- Grandma/Mom arrives! BIG hugs for all!!! Makana gets the first hugs!!
6/2- Grandma/Mom and Kanoa
Grandma/Mom and Katie
Mom, me and Kanoa
Grandma/Mom and Li
Later on 6/2, the playground set arrived! We've always wanted a Cedarworks set!
Silly Li!
6/4 - Well.....one morning there was alot of noise outside the bedroom window. By the time I figured out what was going on and ran outside to the nest, only one bird remained.
6/6 - We went to Rockport harbor to tour the Lynx, but it had already left due to mechanical difficulty.....maybe next time! So...we made lemonade...had a picture of all of us taken near the Andre statue and took snapshots of the old lime kilns that once were such a big part of the area.
And the old fog bell...
When you get settled in your RV, come visit!