Monday, December 7, 2009

Kanoa's new game, the library and grocery shopping

Kanoa was in the bath tub today and played a new game with me. He put his toy dolphin and sea lion in the bowl of water (which was in the tub) or on the drain or near the drain and then held out his hands as if he were saying, "Where did it go?" I said "Where's the dolphin? (or sea lion or humpback). He then picked up the toy animal(s) and I'd say "There they are! or There's the dolphin (or sea lion or humpback)! We did this over and over! We both enjoyed playing this so much!

Kanoa really enjoyed the library today. He checked out all the toys - traintable, boat to sit in, puzzles, fish tank, magnetic letters (which he took off the magnetic board and spread all over the room almost faster than I could put them back), puppets (I stuck my hand in the ape and played with him), farm house and animals, crawled through the lighthouse (to my surprise), and Katie showed him the light blinking. He made lots of happy baby exploring sounds. Glad he liked it there!

Katie might join the Maine students book award club (or something like that). You read any book from a list of varied books (all kinds...graphic novels, historical fiction, etc) and then eat pizza and go around talking about the books stating what they liked and didn't like, etc. If you read three bks or more from the 39 or so bks on the list, you can enter your favorite ones for recognition (or something like that). Anyway, she is interested and is also looking fwd to the pizza! The only thing I didn't like is that there is a chart hanging in the library where you sign up and then put a sticker by the books you read. It feels like the stickers are a prize (and we all know prizes aren't good things to reward people with!). If this were an adult group I wonder if someone would actually keep track of all the books being read by people with stickers on a wall in the library where everyone could see it. Maybe it would be the same? I wonder. Anyway, if these were younger kids, stickers and competetion might become the focus instead of the reading. However, these are fourth through 8th graders, so I bet the focus is the books and pizza! I feel sort of guilty finding fault with such a good thing...but, that's the way I am....I analyze everything! Even though I wrote all that, I am so pleased that Katie wants to join this book club and I bet she'll love it! And I am so glad my kids love going to the library!

Our day today was this: Katie got up, then Li, then me and Kanoa, then Makana. Li and Katie were downstairs. I showered (so hard to do so since Kanoa was up!) I tried to take a quick one and Kana tried to look at books by the bathroom doorway with Kanoa while I rushed. Kanoa came into the bathroom and pulled the curtain and water came out (it's okay! had a rug there and could wipe up big deal). I was worried he'd try to climb into the bath and asked Kana to pick up the see-through Little People Farm page that got torn off. She did and he went right back to her. I finished up (but not without him doing the same one more time). We normally would've eaten, but KK called about picking up the coop order. I asked if 1:30 pm would work. That was fine. So we decided to hit the library to drop off books afterward. But now the kids wanted to stay there a bit. Had to balance chkbk and gather bks before heading to Lanita's. Picked up coop order. Came home and Katie and I put it away while others stayed in car. Went to library. Went grocery shopping. Came home. Li decided and I agreed that it was better for him to skip karate as he has a hoarse voice and was not feeling 100%. (good enough to go out - no runny nose or cough or anything, but not okay for that close contact and energy needed in karate..and he decided that on his own... wanted to stay in and eat and watch movies and chill out today - good for him listening to his body!)

When we left the grocery store, I asked Katie to take Makana's hand, but she squeezed it as they were walking....she said she was still mad at Makana for something from before! What?!? I told Katie that was NOT okay and told Kana she could hold onto the cart instead. So Kana jumped onto the side of the cart and began having a fun ride with me pulling it (and Li pushing it ...I asked him to help push it while I steer and hold baby). Kana waved and smiled at people all the way to the car. One lady waved and smiled back! Kana and Katie got into the car first. I put baby into his seat. Katie talked to Kanoa to help him feel okay in the seat (she is good at that!). Li put the groceries in the car ..all on his the time I was done putting baby in there, he was practically done and then asked if he could put the cart away by himself. Okay! Thanks!! On the way home Katie said she was sorry, but didn't feel well enough to help bring in the groceries and needed to use the bathroom, but she'd bring in the library books. Li and I brought in the groceries. We left baby in the car (he was sleeping). We left the van door open and the garage and house doors open too in case he woke up. We unpacked and put away and started Amy's spinach pizza, spud puppies and mac cheese (comfort foods we hadn't had in a while and we were all starving!) and then Li even helped me with various things as I made fried chicken cutlets (he never would have done that in the past as he used to be grossed out by meat and is a vegetarian...he did make a few comments about the poultry...but he was still willing to stand by me and watch and be there if I needed a pan or whatever - so nice). Li said, "I better go check on Bub!" (such a great person to care so much for Kanoa and babies in general). He ran out the door with his socks still on and shut the van door to help keep baby warmer as I asked. I finished a minute or two later and brought baby in. Baby was fine and woke up when I brought him in. He was toasty warm. Food was cooking which is what Katie needed (wish I had brought food with us downtown - usually we do). We all ate and felt good!

I was so happy that Katie helped me with the groceries from Lanita's. And I was so happy that Li helped me with the store groceries and cooking! It felt so good that the kids helped so much...and I didn't even ask Li to do all he did except push the cart when were leaving the store (and shut the van door since he was going to chk on Bub)!

A nice day to feel grateful! A great day overall!

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