Monday, April 29, 2013

Misc pictures from the past few months

Many misc pictures from over the past few months...

Jim's beloved 1990 Jeep (being restored as of end of March 2013)

tree that came down in our yard during a storm in late 2012

drift by the front door
Snow piled up in drifts along the window.

homemade valentine's day pizza made by Katie

Katie and her friend Kaylin were making things to sell to raise money for a school trip to VA Beach.  Kanoa  had a little taste of some icing.  And yes, they gave him a couple of muffins and other goodies.  He loved them - yum!


makana skyping with ruby and playing with lps figures

Kanoa and Makana doing artwork late one evening

Makana made her own plate of snacks one night.

close up of her platter
One night we made perogies

and then looked at the onion skin under the microscope

Makana made her perogies look especially presentable.  She was proud of how it looked.  And it tasted good too!

Makana, Kanoa and I dyed Easter eggs one afternoon.  I so fondly remember doing that with  my grandma.  It was so much fun!  

More late night art.


Makana sometimes cleans the shower.  She likes to do it and enjoys surprising us.  I didn't realize she did it until the next morning!  Her time and effort is appreciated as it is so nice to take a shower in such a clean bathroom, especially when I know she did it because she wanted to.  It wasn't a "chore" and she was so happy to do it and pleased with her work and excited to have surprised us. :)  
Kanoa likes Plants vs Zombies very much!  We were reading a book and this picture was in it that reminded him of the plants in the game.  I would buy him a carnivorous plant, but that wouldn't be okay with Li.  Li likes to see all creatures live and for us to have a carnivorous plant in house that we purposely bring in that eats insects would upset him.  So we will carnivorous plants elsewhere - like in the garden at that outdoor museum we went to on Cape Cod last fall.  

Kanoa's artwork

Kanoa's artwork under a Thich Nhat Hanh quote that I like.  

close up of Kanoa's art

painting with marbles by Kanoa and I

Makana made up different shirts

If you put white glue over magic marker, the glue turns color when it dries.  I did this as a kid one day and wanted to try it again, so Makana and I did.  

As we were making rainbows, Makana especially liked mine and I wrote out how I chose my colors for her.   

One night, Li wanted to make origami and I remembered some origami paper and a beginner's book I picked up from a library book sale.  He, Makana and I made one each that night, then Makana and I kept making them for several days.  Pretty cool!

Katie and Zach's 2 year anniversary of dating.

Kanoa and I began making a birdhouse out of boxboard and corrugated cardboard.  Makana wanted to get involved too and added a comfy nest for the birds.

The birds wont believe how much care went into their house

Daddy has been to all of these states except the missing pieces.

One night, Makana wanted to see if we could make her hair curly.  She cut up an old linen napkin and we made our own rag curlers with it.  

Turned out like this.  Most of curl lessened over time - it was a bit more curly earlier than when this picture was taken.

Here is a better look at the curls.

Li concentrates on his game....notice the long hair.

Lighthouse Guy doin' his online lighthouse thang.

Li enjoys watching Smosh youtube videos.  He wanted to get his hair cut like Anthony (one of the Smosh guys).  So we stuck two 8 1/2 x 11 inch headshots in our hairdresser's mailbox asking her if she thinks she could do a cut like that.  She called and said yes.  Chris was the first person to ever cut Li's hair.  He was three years old at the time and I LOVED his baby curls and hair.  He really wanted to get his hair cut like Daddy (though Daddy went to a barber) and so we made an appointment with Chris while we were on vacation in Maine because the salon was two houses away from our rental and it seemed like a nice local place to go.  Who would have thought we'd ever have moved here?!!  And that Chris would become my hairdresser?!!  And that 8 years later, Li would once again be sitting in her chair?!

I'll find that picture of Li when he was three and post it here.  But for now, here are some pictures of Li at Chris' salon. He went on 3/30/2013 and is 11 years old.

Li's hair before his haircut.

Chris cutting Li's hair.

Blow drying.....("duh" as Li would of his big words for a while now...ha!)

Silly face


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