Friday, June 18, 2010

Kana's outfit and the Apprenticeshop, etc

6/9/2010 - Kana picked out a special crown and wand at the store today.  Her fifth birthday IS coming up and she wants to wear it that day!   Oh, and today Kana was able to swing all by herself!  She felt so proud!!  Another milestone!

6/10 - The Apprenticeshop had an evening of campfires on the beach, smores, sunsets and sailing!  Great way to find out about their programs!

Saw a school of fish (2nd day in a row ee've seen them)

Inside the boat-building workshop...

6/11/2010 - Katie wanted to go to the movies with her friends.  I took them and picked them up.  While the kids and I waited, we went to this wonderful playground, had a pizza, and slurpees.

Kana put flowers in her hair.  It was nice to be out together.

When we first moved here in 2005, Jim was so excited to put this sign in the driveway.  It now has beautiful purple-blue lupines growing by it. 

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